The Learning Center

The Foundry Way Learning Center, brings real life foundry learning to you. Whether you work in the foundry or for a company who purchases aluminum castings, our down-to-earth aluminum casting courses will benefit you. Our unique format integrates classroom learning with hands-on laboratory analysis and foundry techniques to ensure participants leave with a lasting understand of the critical processes and controls required to produce a good casting. In order to provide personal attention to each attendee, our aluminum casting classes are limited to 8 participants. Attendees are encouraged to bring their casting issues to the class in the form of questions or actual castings.
Aluminum Casting Courses
If you produce or purchase aluminum castings, our 2-Day Aluminum Casting courses can benefit your personnel and your bottom line. Our instructors are what make our courses stand out. With over 75 years combined foundry and metallurgical experience in automotive, aerospace, and industrial applications, our two instructors work together to pass their knowledge on to you and your group. To ensure participants leave with a lasting understanding of the key processes and terminology, we integrate classroom work with hands-on learning.
Aluminum Casting and Metallurgy – 2 Day Course
Aluminum Casting and Metallurgy – 2 Day Course
This two day aluminum casting course covers the aluminum casting process from material selection through casting, processing, controls, and inspection. Critical processes are covered in detail with hands-on casting, metallurgy, and inspection techniques employed to ensure participants leave with a lasting understanding.
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Course rates: $1,200.00 per person.
Class limited to 8 participants.
Reserve your spot now.
Lunch will be provided.
“Dinner with the Instructors” is also provided (but not required) at a local restaurant at the end of day one.
Class DatesTestimonials
“Wealth of knowledge from presenters.” – Ken Sloan, HTCI
“I liked the mix of book and lab exercises. Very informative class.” – Bocar Inc
“Very good coverage. The fact that the presenters are ex-foundrymen makes this an excellent course” – Ray Franks, HTCI
“Heavy coverage of different defects and how to differentiate between them” – Epcor Foundry
“Everyone in the Aluminum industry could benefit from this class” – Cushman Foundry.
“I liked the hands on review of real defects. Great for basic knowledge and evaluation.” – Rio Tinto
“Great info, knowledge, and experience shared by the instructors. No questions went unanswered.” – Morris Bean
Refund Policy
No refunds within 30 days of class date. If for some reason you cannot attend, we will give you options to attend the class at a future date.
(payment can be made by credit card only)
On-site Aluminum Foundry Training
Whether one of our set courses, or something tailored for your group, we can perform aluminum foundry training at your facility. Rates for this service are on a case by case basis. Contact us to discuss.
Class Contact YOUR TEXTClick here for a Calendar of upcoming classes, seminars and events.